Reconciliation and renovations from GrainCorp Grants
GrainCorp Media Release
13 Apr 2023
The Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal organisation dedicated to helping young Aboriginal people connect with their traditional culture and heritage. Among their initiatives is the volunteer-run Coomaditchie Community Garden, which brings together Coomaditchie Elders and community members to grow food and share skills in local food production. The initiative has received funding for soil, plants, gardening equipment and other materials that will scale up the production of vegetables and bushtucker, and that will help transform it into a community gathering space.
‘Coomaditchie: The Art of Place’ opens
The Illawarra Flame
28 Mar 2023
More than 700 people gathered for the opening of Coomaditchie: The Art of Place at Wollongong Art Gallery on Saturday, March 25. Guest curated by Tess Allas with assistance from Alinta Maguire, Coomaditchie showcases newly commissioned works led by senior artists Aunty Lorraine Brown and Aunty Narelle Thomas.
Kids welcome to Wollongong art exhibition celebrating Coomaditchie
Illawarra Mercury
27 Mar 2023
A beautiful new exhibition celebrating the First Nations people of the region comes equipped with a "children's room", making art more kid-friendly. The newly opened exhibition features commissioned works, led by senior artists Aunty Lorraine Brown and Aunty Narelle Thomas, and include the gallery's outdoor panels which tell the environmental stories of Coomaditchie Lagoon.
Illawarra Aboriginal students see the way and re-engage with education: New report finds culturally based program a success
University of Wollongong Media Release
25 July 2022
At the launch of the final Evaluation Report of the Ngaramura Program on Tuesday 19 July 2022., the Ngarruwan Ngadju First Peoples Health and Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Wollongong and the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation deemed the program a success.
UOW’s new-look graduations connect with Country
University of Wollongong Media Release
29 Apr 2022
When the University of Wollongong community comes together this week to celebrate the achievements of thousands of students, the graduation ceremonies will look and feel different than in years past.At the heart of the changes is a new artwork by Aboriginal artists Aunty Lorraine Brown and Aunty Narel le Thomas of Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation in Warrawong.
Future's bright: UOW set for an exciting year
Illawarra Mercury
15 Apr 2022
A beautiful artwork titled 'Cultural Healing' donated by the Coomaditchie Aboriginal Corporation will be woven throughout the 2022 UOW Graduation ceremony and represented on everything from the commemorative graduation booklets, through to the flags flying high outside of the WIN Entertainment Centre.
How caring for children can help Aboriginal Elders during lockdown
The Conversation
22 July 2021
A team of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers from the University of Sydney’s Research Centre for Children & Families have launched a new report which sheds light on these experiences and on some unexpected positives that emerged for Aboriginal communities in New South Wales.
Coomaditchie Elders highlight NAIDOC Week at Koonawarra Public School
Illawarra Mercury
22 June 2021
Aboriginal history and culture is being celebrated all this week at Koonawarra Public School. Coomaditchie Elders including Aunty Lorraine Brown dropped by the school on Wednesday to run various art workshops for the eager students.
Illawarra after school learning club has been kicking goals during 2020
Illawarra Mercury
6 Dec 2020
The Illawarra learning club, hosted by Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation, which supports both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students with their studies after school hours was celebrated on Monday.
Dispossession and invasion: Art program challenges colonial narrative
Sydney Morning Herald
9 Nov 2020
Sydney Living Museums is to acquire five works by leading Indigenous artists. There are plans for SLM executives to visit the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation in Wollongong and select a work to hang in their offices as a reminder of the organisation's commitment to telling the stories of Indigenous history.
First Nations' voices seen and heard at Wollongong Art Gallery in two exhibitions showcasing indigenous art and stories
Illawarra Mercury
7 Nov 2020
Hanging upon the walls of the Mann-Tatlow gallery, is the wisdom handed down through the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation. "Keeping culture alive" showcases the work of seven artists, from Illawarra elders down to teenagers.
Aboriginal stories are told by the Port Kembla seaside
Illawarra Mercury
4 June 2020
Stories of the Aboriginal people of Port Kembla feature in a newly constructed seawall in that suburb. As part of the project, Sydney Water worked with local artists of the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation with a view to incorporating some of their works.
Aboriginal stories to feature in Sydney Water's Port Kembla sea wall
Illawarra Mercury
15 July 2019
Sydney Water is rebuilding a severely damaged sea wall around its Port Kembla storm plant. A colonial and indigenous art installation will be a feature of the new sea wall, designed in partnership with the Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation.
How two sisters helped return Coomaditchie to its former glory
Illawarra Mercury
4 July 2019
Aboriginal people weren't responsible for the noxious weeds that invaded Coomaditchie Lagoon and strangled the native plant life. But it was two Aboriginal sisters who took it into their own hands to clean up the mess.
IRT Foundation celebrates success of the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation’s Capturing Culture project
Illawarra Mercury
8 July 2018
Led by Elders and Coomaditchie founders, Aunty Lorraine Brown and Aunty Narelle Thomas, ‘Capturing Culture’ sought to connect Aboriginal people across the generations, using modern and traditional media, to record and preserve the stories of 28 Aboriginal Elders.
Five Islands Creation Story Inspires Rehabilitation Project
NSW Office of Environment & Heritage Media Release
12 Dec 2015
The Five Islands creation story painted by respected Koori artists Lorraine Brown and Narelle Thomas was unveiled today at a celebration hosted by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
Wollongong council's Hill 60 strategy could see wartime tunnels opened
Illawarra Mercury
10 Aug 2015
Draft maps outlining a suggested overhaul of Hill 60 trail show a heritage-focused walking track – to be known as the Ngaraba-ann Trail – which would link Port Kembla Heritage Park to Hill 60 and Coomaditchie Reserve.
Port Kembla kids captivated by Dreamtime mural
Illawarra Mercury
16 Sept 2013
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School in Port Kembla unveiled their new mural yesterday. A collaboration between the pupils and Coomaditchie Artists' Co-operative members Lorraine Brown and Narelle Thomas, the three-panelled painting features the children's interpretations of Illawarra dreaming stories.
Dots to recovery as sick kids learn Indigenous art
ABC Illawarra
29 Oct 2012
It's not often you get a chance to sit down with two well-respected Indigenous artists, learn from their skill, hear their stories and contribute to a beautiful artwork. But that's what's been happening with sick children at the Illawarra Hospital School in Wollongong over the last month.
Coomaditchie Lagoon
Radio National
24 Mar 2012
Tucked into the industrial landscape of Port Kembla on the New South Wales South Coast is the Coomaditichie lagoon. For a long time, the area was neglected and environmentally unsound. But more recently, the Coomaditichie United Aboriginal Corporation have started caring for the lagoon.