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 The Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation (CUAC) was established as a community organisation in 1992 through the efforts of the current staff members and Management Committee members in collaboration with the Illawarra TAFE.


The organisation was established primarily because of the neglect and lack of service provision to the Coomaditchie community. The organisation has provided welfare and advocacy services to the community for over twenty years since its incorporation in 1993, as well as being active in bush regeneration, art projects and cultural heritage and community development programs.

Adjacent to the Coomaditchie Lagoon is the Coomaditchie Mission. Many of our mob lived up on Hill 60 – not far from here, till the war broke out. The army needed Hill 60 for strategic purposes and so we were moved. Many people set up camp in the sand dunes along Port Kembla beach and around Coomaditchie lagoon. They lived in sugar bag shacks and in any kind of shelter they could create. Later many people slept in their cars. Eventually, the mission houses were built and people could move into little weatherboard houses. It wasn’t till 1989 that the brick houses that are on the mission today were finally built.
Our hall has historic significance. The Aboriginal Advancement League with all our Elders started in the hall.  It was also where dances and Christmas parties and wakes were held. Now it is our studio gallery – and we still hold many important meetings here.

Taking Up the Fight - by Fred Moore (a digital story from the Lake Illawarra MAP Project)

Taking Up the Fight - by Fred Moore (a digital story from the Lake Illawarra MAP Project)
Taking Up the Fight - by Fred Moore (a digital story from the Lake Illawarra MAP Project)

Taking Up the Fight - by Fred Moore (a digital story from the Lake Illawarra MAP Project)

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Tales of Two Cities: Exploring Wollongong's Aboriginal History

Tales of Two Cities: Exploring Wollongong's Aboriginal History

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Below are some useful links and resources to learn more about the history of Aboriginal people and culture in the lllawarra. Click on the images to visit each link.

A History of Aboriginal People of...

A History of Aboriginal People of...

Published by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, this book is a thematic history of the Aboriginal people in the Illawarra area, south of Sydney, from 1770 to 1970. It covers the period from just before European invasion to the evolution of the late 20th-century Aboriginal political institutions. It was undertaken in consultation with various Aboriginal groups and people from the Illawarra along with extensive historical research.

Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines

Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines

A documentary history of the Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines 1770-1850, including a chronological blibliography covering the period 1770-1990.

Tales of Two Cities

Tales of Two Cities

Reporter Harrison Vesey speaks to Sheree Rankmore from the Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation, archaeologist Kelvin Officer, and didgeridoo teacher Dan Kennaway about traditional and modern Aboriginal culture in Wollongong.

Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines

Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines

A compilation of historical manuscript and published material relating to Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines for the approximate period 1770 to 1900. Supplements the author's book 'Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines 1770-1850'

Illawarra Aborigines

Illawarra Aborigines

A paper providing a brief overview of local Aboriginal history and culture, along with an account of events following European invasion.

The Fight to Save Illowra

The Fight to Save Illowra

A collection of material relating to the Save Hill 60 campaign, along with an historical chronology of the site and related references.

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Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation

PO Box 160, Warrawong, NSW 2502


Coomaditchie has DGR status – all donations are tax deductible – contact us to find out how you can help.

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